In order to highlight and communicate the goals and main issues of the project to a wider audience, 5 opinion articles will be drafted and published in large circulation newspapers. The articles are going to bring under focus different policies & on the field aspects of the sustainable transition of the food system and the CAP’s contribution in the current and future policy framework. The articles are going to be drafted in a comprehensive and easily understandable way by all potential readers, especially those that are not knowledgeable when it comes to policy & field developments in the agricultural and broader agri-food sectors. Facts & data at EU and national level explicating the key themes and concepts are going to be used in order to increase the impact & leverage of the main CAP related messages. Publication of the articles is going to take place throughout the duration of the project based on a close monitoring of the current affairs in the public sphere.
Read here the first article prepared by Ms. Elli Tsiforou, Director General of GAIA EPICHEIREIN, published in the December edition of Agricola, issued by newspaper KATHIMERINI, on 19/12/2021, focusing on certain indisputable data that emerge from the European financial and regulatory framework and allow us to have a “taste” of the future in an otherwise uncertain landscape.
Resilient agri-food systems, according to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on ” Making agri-food systems more resilient to shocks and stresses”, must be able to adapt and reform in order to ensure not only food security but also the income of all those involved, including farmers.
Read here the second article prepared by Ms. Elli Tsiforou, Director General of GAIA EPICHEIREIN, published in the March edition of Agricola, issued by newspaper KATHIMERINI, on 27/03/2022, focusing on the main factors that contribute to the resilience of agri-food systems, mainly regarding the primary sector.
Read here the third article prepared by Ms. Elli Tsiforou, Director General of GAIA EPICHEIREIN, published on 06/05/2022 in a special edition regarding “Energy Crisis – Sustainable Development Solutions”, issued by “Ypaithros Chora” thematic newspaper. The article presents the Green Deal policy context within which the future CAP will deploy tools towards economic and environmental sustainability in order to secure the resilience of the EU agricultural sector in the years to come.
Read here the fourth article prepared by Ms. Elli Tsiforou, Director General of GAIA EPICHEIREIN, published on 03/07/2022 in the special thematic edition “Agricola”, issued by “Kathimerini” newspaper. The article presents the level of readiness and awareness of Greek rural population regarding the green & digital transition they will be called upon to perform in the context of the new CAP that is fully in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal.
Read here the fifth article prepared by Elli Tsiforou, Director General of GAIA EPICHEIREIN, published on 29/07/2022 in the thematic newspaper “Ypaithros Chora”. The article presents the strategic planning of Greece in relation to sectoral interventions in the future Common Agricultural Policy, compared to the corresponding planning of countries such as Italy and Spain, which produce competitive products.