National Farmers’ Survey

At a critical moment in the transition to a new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aligned with the objectives of the European Green Deal, which sets particularly ambitious goals for the green and digital transition of the European economy and society, it is particularly important to know what the level of readiness and awareness of the rural population of the country regarding this double transition that will be called upon to carry out in the coming years, utilizing, among other things, the relevant support tools of the CAP.

GAIA EPICHEIREIN, has been a dynamic part of the pan-European effort to digitize agriculture since the beginning of its course and has always remained faithful to its strategic commitment to inform the rural world and all interested stakeholders in relation to developments at the level of European and national agricultural policy.

In this context, we designed and presented a large Panhellenic Agricultural Survey, aiming to strengthen the public debate upon the national strategic plan of the CAP and how Greek policies will serve the green and digital transformation of Greek agriculture by documenting the starting point of the important changes that the country’s rural sector will be asked to incorporate in the coming years.

The Survey, which has both a quantitative and a qualitative dimension, was designed by GAIA EPICHIREIN within the framework of the IMCAP Programme of the European Union for 2021-2022, “CAP2Fork – Towards a sustainable food system from farmer to consumer”, supported by the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission, and was conducted in collaboration with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Kappa Research company.


The Survey (in Greek) is available here: